Post-baby weight loss secrets

Jennifer Lopez's weight-loss secret: With the arrival of her babies, the pop star is focused on enjoying motherhood, but she also makes time to work out as much as possible. To motivate her, J Lo's splashed out $50,000 on a home gym for her New York mansion. She's also consulted trainers, nutritionists and doctors for safe ways to get back in shape.

Halle Berry's weight-loss secret: No bizarre diets for this sexy star, who reportedly follows a wholesome eating plan: Drinking lots of water, and eating plenty of veggies, complex carbs and lean proteins. She also works out with celebrity trainer Ramona Braganza, who puts her on a cardio routine (including elliptical, kickboxing and stairs or hill climb) and a strength-training program of abdominal and leg exercises.

Gywneth Paltrow's weight-loss secret: The lanky star, who recently appeared on Oprah and shared a video of her sweating it out with intense post-baby workout, reveals she exercises out for two hours a day, six days a week. But she doesn't diet.The Oscar winner is also a fan of shapewear, tummy-control girdles which suck in at the waist as effectively as a corset and create a smooth contour under slinky dresses. And she admits she wears not one, but two at a time. "It's a great trick and that's how all the Hollywood girls do it," she said in a television interview.

Nicole Richie's weight-loss secret: Nicole has a petite frame to begin with, so it's not surprising the socialite manages to get back in tip-top shape after her pregnancy. But squeezing into her pre-pregnancy clothes two weeks post-birth? That's unbelieveable -- and frankly, a little scary. That is, until a friend of Nicole's revealed in an OK! magazine interview that the star recruits some extra nip/tuck help from Spanx body-shaping undergarment.
Jessica Alba's weight-loss secret: Jessica works out with her personal trainer Ramona Braganza, combining core exercises, cardio and circuit training in an hour-long session, five or six days per week -- plus following Braganza's low-fat, low-carb "321 Baby Bulge Be Gone" program of 3 meals, 2 snacks and 1 liter of water a day. The svelte mama also credits her trim figure to breastfeeding her babies, which helped shed the excess pounds.
Angelina Jolie's weight-loss secret: The hot Oscar-winning actress reportedly ships food from a department store in Berlin, after her ob/gyn instructs her to eat more nutritiously. Plus, running around and playing with her 6 kids is certainly a great calorie-burner.

Heidi Klum's weight-loss secret: Heidi went on a diet consisting of healthy protein and avoiding unhealthy carbs and alcohol, and ate small healthy meals every three hours to rev up her metabolism, said her trainer David Kirsch. Kirsch also put Heidi through a gruelling 90-minute workout regimen everyday, which included strength training and cardio.