Dee Dee Mahmood an exercise physiologist devotes her life in helping obese women. Her life journey, transformation from weighing 80kg to a 47kg inspires many. An article in 'Vanilla' mag caught my attention....
It is a struggle for me. It is more than having the determination.
I am a 1st time mommie. Shopping becomes the most dreadful thing. How do i fit into any clothes?? Do i buy maternity clothing or plus size ones? I look 3 or 5 months pregnant (and weighs 75kg) but in actual fact i'm not pregnant. Is this normal? To have this pregnant tummy? Is this due to my C-sect birth?...or is it my super tight pants i wore during my pregnancy? It has been 10 months.Whatever the reason maybe it is so stressful...I really need help. What should i do? The answer to my own question is simple. Simple to others and including myself to say. JUST EXERCISE!!!