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Showing posts from October, 2008


Happy Deepava li everyone! Well..well...what shall we do today...I am so bored. Shall go pay the bills? Buy baby stuff for Falisha ? Go to places where we have never been for the longest time? Go check the rates for our Tioman trip? Lets just go out and do everything today!

Fighting Fit

Dee Dee Mahmood an exercise physiologist devotes her life in helping obese women. Her life journey, transformation from weighing 80kg to a 47kg inspires many. An article in 'Vanilla' mag caught my attention.... It is a struggle for me. It is more than having the determination. I am a 1st time mommie. Shopping becomes the most dreadful thing. How do i fit into any clothes?? Do i buy maternity clothing or plus size ones? I look 3 or 5 months pregnant (and weighs 75kg) but in actual fact i'm not pregnant. Is this normal? To have this pregnant tummy? Is this due to my C-sect birth?...or is it my super tight pants i wore during my pregnancy? It has been 10 months.Whatever the reason maybe it is so stressful...I really need help. What should i do? The answer to my own question is simple. Simple to others and including myself to say. JUST EXERCISE!!!

Best Stress Busters - For some of us who never knew this..

Physically active people feel less anxious and depressed. One theory why? Described in a 2006 report in the journal " Obesity ," holds that aerobic exercise can increase your levels of norepinephrine , a chemical that helps the brain deal with stress more efficiently. Ideally, we should spend 30 minutes exercising five times a week. Every bit of activity helps. Amp up an activity's appeal by finding a partner -- or pair it with music or an audiobook.